Green Lion Ministries

GLM CommunitySocietyFund

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” – 

~ Henry Ford


The Story Behind Of Our Movement

Green Lion Ministries is 501c3 non profit organization, a community of higher consciousness.   We are working together to raise the vibrational resonance of the Earth and expand the collective consciousness of humanity, and create a paradigm shift of human consciousness into unity consciousness. Our methods include cleansing the dark, dense, lower frequencies of fear, hate, separation and enslavement, from all over the earth that has deeply been embedded into so much of the current state of human consciousness, and replace them, with love, light, happiness, joy, freedom, abundance and harmony; thus, create a whole new reality on Earth.

GLM Community

Developing a sustainable financial future for underprivileged communities, with a focus on environmental sustainability, community engagement, and holistic well-being, is certainly achievable. Many organizations are already implementing similar strategies.

Our Strategies

Educate People

Offering workshops, seminars, and educational programs to raise awareness about sustainability and green living.

Behavioral Intervations

These are techniques that aim to modify behavior by teaching people new skills and habits.

Encourage a healthy lifestyle:

Living a healthy lifestyle means making choices that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Practice patience and persistence

Foster a sense of community and social cohesion through regular gatherings, events, and shared spaces.

Combating Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons by means of threat, use of force, coercion, abduction, fraud, or deception for the purpose of exploitation.

According to the United States Department of State,   In 2022, the government reported investigating 1,200 incidents of human trafficking, a significant increase compared with 421 incidents in 2021. out of the 1,200 reported incidents of human trafficking, at least 526 involved exploitation in Uganda, 63 involved exploitation abroad, and the remaining incidents involved unspecified forms of trafficking.

The government reported initiating prosecutions against 728 alleged traffickers in 589 cases in 2022, compared with prosecuting 537 individuals in 403 cases in 2021.  Of the 589 cases filed, 338 involved sex trafficking, 173 involved labor trafficking, and 78 involved unspecified forms of trafficking; 526 involved exploitation in Uganda and 63 involved exploitation abroad. 

Becoming our Patreon today will help us build a Green Community together

Other Campaigns

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a global problem, and Africa is not immune to it. 

Haven Empowerment

The process of enabling individuals or communities to gain control over their lives, make informed decisions, and take action to improve their circumstances.


These initiatives, among others, have played a significant role in Rwanda’s remarkable progress in healing and reconciliation. While the journey is ongoing,

Become Our Partner

Let us build a green community together.

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. – Helen Keller

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. – Helen Keller

Our Partners

Become our Partner Today.

We Take Action. To Make Better Changes

As a collective, we have the power to embody a new high vibrational reality. One that serves all of humanity and serves the highest good of all. Instead of living in a reality that embodies so much unnecessary suffering and enslavement all over the world.

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Young Volunteer

Our Programs

Love is the most powerful frequency in the universe. The vibration of love conquers all. No other energy is more powerful. Raising the earth’s vibrational frequency, to one of love, will cleanse our society of fear and hate. 

Human Trafficking

Anyone can be a victim of human trafficking, with an increasing number of people facing unemployment and desperation for a better life. There are a lot of ongoing traps.

Drug Addiction

Addiction is a complex issue, and it can be particularly challenging for kids to overcome. Here are some tips to help children overcome addiction:


The genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, which occurred in 1994, was a tragic and horrific event in which approximately 800,000 Tutsi individuals were systematically killed by Hutu extremists within a span of just 100 days.

Haven Empowerment

The process of enabling individuals or communities to gain control over their lives, make informed decisions, and take action to improve their circumstances.



    Human Trafficking

    Barancille was promised a job that would change her life in Saudi Arabia but got trafficked by a man she barely knew. It took quite a long process for them to obtain travel documents through illegal means, as they had to go through Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya to travel to Saudi Arabia.


      Genocide Survival

      Manzikazi is a genocide survivor who lost her family during the genocide against the Tutsi, and their bodies were thrown into the Nyabarongo River. She managed to move on with her life but later suffered from thrombosis. It was discovered that her right vein was blocked, and her left vein became thin because it had to operate alone, leading to reduced oxygen supply to the brain, resulting in pain. She has undergone several surgeries but still faces ongoing challenges in her life, including the need for a medical prescription and the high cost of ordering pills from India.

      Stev Khald Shema
        Stev Khald Shema

        Heroin Survival

        Steve Khald, a former heroin addict. He shared his journey of healing and finding a career as an independent filmmaker to produce and tell a positive story of those who are addicts. People tend to isolate and spread hate towards addicts, yet sometimes it's depression that fuels the addiction Green Lion Ministries is a community focused on higher consciousness, aiming to help people achieve it. We are working together to raise the vibrational resonance of the Earth, expand the collective consciousness of humanity, and create a paradigm shift in human consciousness towards unity consciousness.


          Human Trafficking

          Damaris Akumu and Marleen Nduta Gitau were tricked into being trafficked from Kenya to Myanmar on 4 August 2022. They were recruited for teaching and front-office jobs and added to a WhatsApp group controlled by Kenyan, Chinese or Thai administrators. They each paid up to US$2 000 for air tickets and airport transfers.